Now days there are plenty of camping tents and accessories on the market to make your trip all the more comfortable and enjoyable. If you’re one of those camping fans that prefers a little more ‘home comfort’, Empire Tents offers stretch tents for sale, in a range of sizes, to add to your camp gear for the ultimate campsite of envy!
If you’re an avid camping fan or even enjoy a bit of DIY, these trusty camping hacks have been known to prove mighty handy when it comes to braving the elements for a weekend away!
Here are 23 camping hacks try on your next trip into the wilderness:
- Use foam floor tiles for a softer, more comfortable tent floor.
Once your tent is set up, line the floor with foam tiles, and then lay down your sleeping bag or blow-up mattress. This will add that extra bit of comfort and insulation from the cold or heat of the ground.
2. Point a headlamp into a jug of water for an instant lantern.
Create a dual purpose for your head lamp and use it as a lantern with this handy trick!
3. Familiarize yourself with what the poisonous plants look like!
4. Pack a tick deterrent.
Ticks are a reality when camping – no matter your surroundings, they can even be found on the beach! Use a deterrent and be vigilant by checking your legs and any other exposed parts of your body for ticks each night.
5. Repurpose a coffee can to hold and protect your toilet paper.
There probably isn’t anything worse than having to use soggy toilet paper when camping! Avoid this and repurpose an old coffee tin for storing your toilet paper.
6. Use Tic-Tac boxes to store spices.
You can also use an old medication or pill holder to pack small amounts of spices and avoid adding extra weight to your camping stores.
7. Invest in a two-person sleeping bag.
A two-person sleeping bag is ideal for the colder months – nothing is bound to keep you warmer than the additional body heat!
8. Cut up a straw and fill the pieces up with antibiotic ointment or toothpaste for single-use packets.
This is a pro-tip if you are really tight on space and weight and want to avoid carrying full tubes of ointments, toothpaste or creams!
9. Make travel-sized ground coffee bags out of coffee filters and dental floss.
Who says you can’t drink good quality coffee when camping or hiking? This hack is sure to suit all coffee lovers out there!
10. Make single-use soap leaves from a bar of soap and a vegetable peeler.
11. Use a belt and hooks to hang up pots and pans.
Fasten a belt around a tree close to your camp site’s cooking area and use hooks you can purchase at any hardware to hang your pots and utensils for easy access.
12. Pack a mini first-aid kit into an old prescription bottle.
Ideal for hikers who are looking to maximize space in their backpacks!
13. Make pancakes with pre-made pancake mix, using long-life milk.
14. Make a portable washing machine with a plunger and a paint bucket.
It’s as simple as holding onto an empty paint bucket and its lid, then creating a hole in the lid for the plunger. Fill your bucket with water, a little detergent and your clothes and get plunging!
15. Make an easy-to-carry fire starter with a cardboard egg carton and charcoal.
16. Make pocket-sized oil lamps out of travel-size or hotel toiletry shampoo bottles.
Simply fill up each bottle with lamp oil and make a hole through the lid for the wick.
17. Forgo meat marinade and put the rosemary straight onto the coals of the fire.
18. Add bundles of sage to a campfire to keep mosquitoes away.
19. Keep the kids busy with a scavenger hunt.
20. Create portable fire starters with cotton pads dipped in wax.
21. Pack microfiber towels — they’re super absorbent, lightweight, easy to dry and easy to pack.
22. Freeze bottles of water and place them in your cooler box to keep food cool and to use as a water source.
23. Use a bucket and a milk crate as an emergency toilet.
If you’re looking to add to your tent collection, Empire Tents are some of South Africa’s top stretch tent manufacturers and stretch tent suppliers. Get in touch with us on 087 724 8092 to place your order!